Kilimanjaro 1260属于大体积低振动探针台主要用于4K极低温探测场景,应用于量子物理和超导半导体的研究领域。
Kilimanjaro 1260属于大体积低振动探针台,主要用于4K极低温探测场景,应用于量子物理和超导半导体的研究领域。
- Large experimental volume at 4K
- Low vibration from <1Hz to 1KHz
• Opposed bellows
• Passive isolation
• Active isolation (optional)
- 4K platform with quick access
- 4K electrical and fiber optic feedthroughs
- Expandable, modular construction
- Easy, flexible I/O
• 7X easily accessible NW50 flanges above the table
• 1X large rectangular customizable flange
• 18X HPD standard feedthroughs on 50K stage and 10X on 3K stage
• Large rectangular customizable feedthroughs on 50K and 3K stages
• Standard ports for DC, RF & optical fibers
- Smart controls
• Pushbutton auto cooldown from atmosphere
• TCP/IP control
• Cryogen-free
- Ø34cm X 25cm tall 4K experimental space
- 1.5W cryocooler
- 1W thermal lift at cold stage at 4.2K
- <4K base temperature
- <50nm vibration stability, peak to peak
- <5mK temperature stability
- <14 hr cooldown
- System will scan a 20 mm chip
- Attocube positioners with 5 mm travel in Z, 20 mm in X & Y
- 50K and 4K radiation shields